The overall objective of the founding of Mentors Foundation is to give something back to society, as a way of showing gratitude to God for our lives. Some of the ways in which we contribute to the community are outlined below.
Supporting Widows, Orphans and the Marginalized in Society
Widows, Orphans and the Marginalized are special groups of people that need the support of the society. There are many stories of women and children who are driven out of their homes and left to suffer after the death of their husbands and fathers respectively. We at Mentors Foundation are inspired to support the needy, by the letter of Apostle James that says: “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27 NKJV).
There also exist many people in the society who though are neither widows nor orphans but have grave challenges accessing basic necessities of life and such have no one to come to their aid or attend to for support. Mentors Foundation thought of such people each minute and we have included them in our plans to bring positive change to their lives. We are working everyday to make the world a better place for everybody.
Our support to the needy include:
Annual donations to widow, orphanages and other marginalized groups like the leprosarium.
Payment of hospital bills of widows and orphans
Payment of School fees of orphans
Giving Hope to the Youth of Ghana & Africa
The unemployment situation in Ghana and Africa has left many youth on the continent hopeless as they see thousands of students graduate form tertiary institutions every year, and add to the pool of unemployed graduates. This unemployment issue is a security threat. Though we may not be able to eradicate unemployment completely from Ghana and Africa, we could as well not sit and look on this alarming situation unconcerned, hence the birth of Mentors Foundation to bring hope and positive change in the lives of Ghanaian youth and that of Africa.
Our support in this regard include:
- Free entrepreneurship mentoring and coaching
- Job placement
- Award of contracts and expert advice and support to ambitious youth.
Making the World a Peaceful Place
Our world today is characterized by conflicts, resulting in economic hardship and loss of lives. There has never been a better time to promote peace and unity between nations and within nations. This is one of the motives behind Mentors Foundation formation. The foundation has taken upon itself to partner organizations and institutions to organize conferences and seminars on Peace and Unity, Conflict Resolution Mechanisms, Conflict Relapse Approach, Internal and External Conflict Studies, Conflict at the Work Place, Marital Conflict Resolutions and Counselling, Open Crusade on Peace, Peace and Unity Talk Shows on television and radio stations, Peace Clubs at the various Junior, Second Cycle and Tertiary Institutions etc.
- We advocate for peace and unity within Ghana and beyond through:
- Peace talks and awareness creation ahead of national elections.
- Intercessory prayers ahead of national elections.
If you believe in our vision, why don’t you partner with us to contribute your widows might to society?